What a roller coaster ride we are all on. It seems like that in so many ways, doesn't it?
Jacob, as well as the whole family has hit our share of ups and downs just like the rest of you. I wish I could report that we have found the right meds and are doing great, but that simply is not the case. We have good days and bad days. We have Really good days and Really bad days.
We have him in therapy once a week and when his therapist's schedule allows my husband and I have our own time also to try and learn techniques that would help us parent Jacob through this journey.
Christmas has come and gone. It was bitter sweet. Family is so far away and this year I was sick through the most of it. The days I had to spend home trying to rest were mostly spent "dealing" with my boy and his constant need for attention and self-gratification. I am learning though, over all I think we managed better than fine.
Jacob seems to do really well with technical things so most of his gifts were either technical related or physical endurance type things. For instance, he got a punching bag with gloves to help him take his anger out on something positive. He got an ab roller which he thinks is fun. (Gotta love those youngin's able to get on the floor on their backs - hurts mine just thinking about it.) Chris and I took our Christmas money and splurged on an iTouch for him. Man, we might as well of given him a million dollars. He can play games, listen to music (parent approved, of course) and so many other things. We also invested in family games as well as therapeutic games. They seem to really bring him down when he is over-the-top upset.
With the new year will bring a lot of new challenges. We have already told him that he can no longer stay at home. He needs to be at school for the structured learning and also to hopefully make friends. With that comes a lot of anxiety on all of our parts. Just the thought of any of this repeating is almost more than any of us can bare. We are trusting God to lead us to the right place.
There are a lot of medical tests that he needs to complete also. His doctor just ordered allergy testing, blood sugar testing, pulmonary function tests and so many more. All to hopefully bring us to a accurate diagnosis of what really is troubling our child.
Thank you for your prayers and your words of encouragement, they mean the world to us all.
So for now, here is to a bright and healthy New Year to you all. Happy 2011!
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