Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Got Sheep?

Counting Sheep that is.  Ya know, the kind you get when you sleep.  Sleep sheep.  LOL.  Anyway, Jacob seems to be on a normal sleeping routine, Praise the good Lord!!!!!!!.  I am hoping this isn't just a fluke thing but a "normal" pattern that we have worked hard to establish.
School update: We made contact again with the district that we loathe.  We had no choice.  All school enrollment is closed until the fall with the exception of your neighborhood school.  We told them that Jacob  WOULD NOT be returning to that school.  We voiced where we would like to put him and completed re-registration.  Now we wait to see if that school's principal will all him to attend there.  As hard as it is, we are hopeful.
Raw inside stuff: I don't know why, but I feel like we are stuck.  Ever since our move to Colorado, Jacob has endured a blast of hardship.  My marriage was strengthened and renewed, which is huge!  It just feels like the counter to that is the deterioration of Jake's spirit.  Talk about torment.  My husband wanted to move here to begin a career in law enforcement and God (oh, how I thank Him) did not allow that.  Instead, he is back in his field of broadcasting.  That however, is proving to be a dead end anymore.  What I am trying to express is that sometimes I feel like we are being pushed somewhere else.  With my husbands career at is breaking point and the economy not helping, my son's life upside down (it feels) I question God's will for us.  Are we in the right place?  Are we doing the right thing?
I shouldn't even my writing today with so many questions.  Times like these is when the old religious junk can easily creep back over me.  Don't worry, I won't go into it...still it's a feeling that I am dealing with.
I started painting again on Sunday.  Yeah, I think I will stick to my mountain and desert landscapes.  I tried a cherry tree park with a bridge and pond.  Didn't work.  I need to work my way to that since this was the first time I had painted in 4 years.  I am a little rusty to say the least.
My prayer for improvement this week is that I will have the energy to create a positive environment in my home.  Getting up at 4AM is rough.  It has to be done though, so I need to make the best of it.  I need to create a walking routine and take my son with me.  The poor guy is very uncomfortable right  now and could greatly benefit from some good exercise body, mind and spirit.  I need to not be so frustrated by my son's actions and instead learn from them as how to better coach him with the life skills he needs.  I am his teacher right now, so I better step up my game.  He will be 13 in March, I don't have many more years to instill what he will need for life.  Skills like how to hold down a job, work ethic so he will keep a job.  How to be a good husband and father (my husband helps there big time) and all of those things.  Time is tickin' away, so I don't have time to waste.
Blessings to all who find themselves here today.  I pray that you too will be inspired in whatever road life has you on and thank God for sheep!

1 comment:

  1. I remember moving to washington,,, i wasnt supposed to go and I knew it but God blessed it and I have some amazing and completely sucky memories of the place.... Im not saying you werent supposed to go to colorado.. Im just saying, soak in the good times you've had there and make wonderful memories.
    do you annoint your home and jakes room with oil and plead the blood of Jesus over the place? speak in tongues over your home and kiddo too.... Gawd Carrie,,,,, I cant even imagine,,,, maybe constant worship music playing in the house would help too... there is some crazy stuff attacking jake,

